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Lake versatile wine, except for alcoholic beverages, also used as a cooking sauce, in addition to rot fishy, add color to Tim. Its lees plus starch red eggs, sweet lees yuan, delicious soup. Hung Mao wine was founded in the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi three years (AD 1693 ), has been 300 years of production history. ghd mini Produced in Hong Mao town in Inner Mongolia LIANGCHENG County. The unique regional features, the unique climate and environment, the unique treasures of raw materials, a unique high water quality, unique brewing process, creating a cool cotton base wine Hung Mao chilly, mellow and pleasant.

Since then,ghd straightener, Ji day they stopped selling this wine, Hong Mao wine exclusively for the use of the base wine, this wine makes it more mysterious, outsiders rarely get. After Dynasty, and was elected a hung Mao wine Palace Tinggong wine. During the war, Marshal during liangcheng work, I often drink this wine to Imperial cold beyond the Great Wall. Unique wine lamb recipes, sophisticated materials, high-quality millet, tender lamb, fresh fruits and expensive medicines from aging, amber liquor, alcohol 17 degrees, melting ester aroma, creamy, fruity, herbal in one, moderately christian louboutin sale sweet, unique style, with Yin and lungs, add strength, strong lumbar kidney, spleen appetizer, Liver eyesight and efficacy of UFA beauty.

Tang Dynasty lamb wine into the palace as a tribute for the emperor to enjoy,cheap ghd, Emperor Li Longji to Yang over twenty years old birthday, from incense kiosk Yang Gong wine selected specifically for the wine to show congratulations lamb, after Drunken Beauty, dancing dance, danced the Soul of Hero, reign revelry row hit play music. Song writer Su lamb drink with the guests at the wine and wrote the opening of the trial Yunmeng lamb wine, fast ship spilled Qiantang YaoWang fine poem, medical scientist Li Shi Zhen Ming Dynasty recorded in famous " Compendium of Materia Medica " in : Lamb wine spleen and stomach, benefit waist, nourishing vitality tonic health supplies ; Qing Dynasty scholar Luan Li Ruzhen record lamb wine department in the " mirror" in the production, and the lamb was 55 kinds of wine as the amount of wine.According to the " Qi " records, Fenjiu 1500 years ago in the Northern and Southern Dynasties palace Ting Gong had become wine. Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu by asking where there are restaurants, cowboy Yao Zhi Heng Fa Chuen Heng Fa Chuen eternal farewell and fen more so world famous, women and children. "Tang Dynasty Supplement ", the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhu wing of the " Kitayama wine by " sinus leather "wine spectrum," Chang -chen "wine names in mind," Yuan Song Boren "wine Short History ", the Ming Wang Shizhen, " wine ", Qing Yuan Mei the " Garden Fresh single " Every wine is documented on Xinghuacun ancient wines.

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