Friday 21 February 2014 jordan femme ftgj

Wolf Mori,ghd mini, strange as the name suggests, all the wolves ! 45 green back wolf, wolf Firetail 47, 49 frost wolf, wolf...... 50 Gangya violence there eventually BOSS: 55dark Molang. The biggest difference between the copy and the common area is the monster monster strength, the same level jordan femme monster, its strength is more than twice the normal monster, but one of the elite level, mutants, monsters interspersed with small BOSS level where the strength is higher than the total BOSS BOSS a large portion of the outside world.

A variation of 52 elite Gangya storms howl shouted toward the mob,ghd straightener, the mob roared loudly, a knife block, while heels kicked in the past. Massacre early in the first time the wolf slunk behind the violence, the mob will be attracted by the monster of hatred, they would wait to Han Byul flash + backstab consecutive hit. In addition to blood magic to take care of the baby to leave the mob, few outside shots, Hidden Dragon natural night and pitching, reverse soul arrows, picks continuously pouring into violent wolves. Storm wolf belongs to a lower intelligence, the most natural move provoked angry mob madness biting himself, after all, this skill is lower intelligent provocation cheating, continuous provocation plus body, violent mob as a wolf had to dig their own graves of great enemies, red eyes, howling mad biting, tearing claws !

However, the risk factor wolf storm caused the crowd can be said that in general the following. cheap ghd Main state suffered too much. Many attributes of God ice control wand that night a plus, frozen aura of an open, violent wolf movement and attack speed immediately dropped part of it, but that night on the comprehension and the ability to control ice spells is amazing, the outgoing picks almost 25% chance of freezing directly to the explosion wolf second. Hidden Dragon magic before in addition to open Aeolus outside, almost utterly useless, now it is to play its due glory, inverse Soul Arrow 18 percent chance of playing against the soul of the state may not see one or two, but like Hidden Dragon more than 2,000 of Mana, not the money to put almost all of the inverse probability of inverse soul soul arrow then appears the state will basically reach out 100 attacks 18 times.

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