Wednesday 19 March 2014 oakley glasses jknc

A thickness of more than twenty centimeters in diameter poplar Pizhong by lightning,coach outlet, lie in the middle of the road, the car lacks only a thin distance of one meter, the positive impact will be on the trunk. A thick tree branches outstretched, like a beast of prey generally ride in the van 's windshield. At the moment is still raining heavily, but the trunk where it was struck by lightning spring up the flames. In the dark atmosphere, that little fire, extraordinarily terror. coach outlet Be a God ! Drivers are stupid, lying on the steering wheel, place a long time did not dare move.

But because the storm 's sake, and now not even a car on the road did not. Dark sky, torrential rain, deafening thunder rang constantly, the air is also filled with a char, rather than actually taste. No matter what people will feel fear. The three cars, as clay in general, did not dare to move the body ages. After about four or five minutes coach factory outlet before waking up from the shock : Master, how to do, coach outlet go away the right of the trunk ? Driver 's voice almost yelling : Thunder angry, you dared to touch him Pizhong demon tree right ?

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