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Zhang Xiaoqiang the lettuce into her mouth while chewing, watching meow cut bamboo, tory burch outlet not to stop, because it is not a big deal, but added meow move, let tory burch factory outlet reminded of a program seen on television, bamboo will long small insects called bamboo worms, and mealworms almost looks like a lot of places like to eat that stuff, do not eat ants eat yesterday meow addiction, today eat insects ? Bamboo is cut, broken issued Cui Xiang, the lower one-sided, meow remaining half of the top of a bamboo -shaped notch cut, unscrew the lid, then the gap with the kettle.

Just thought of this, they see a clear stream pouring from the gap, the filling down the pot mouth, meow sit there straight bamboo with one hand, let tory burch bags tilt, while using a kettle to catch water, a little while, actually filled the kettle. Zhang Xiaoqiang sleepwalking stood up, went to the front body meow, meow week looking at the bamboo, determined to ask, and I'm sorry, meow a kid actor children are aware of things, tory burch factory outlet I do not know, lose face, but where is mew learn ? Meow lift kettle mercilessly filling a pass, readily gave Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang took the kettle instantly remembered meow at the base learned wilderness survival, more than meow, base, all the children have learned, but did not think that will come in handy today.

But did not think there meow new action, the top of the bamboo in a small dug holes punched, she was in the hands of lettuce stuffed into a root, salt found in turn put in bamboo houses, students from one roasted a pile of bamboo, bamboo actually start lettuce soup. Meow San Liangxia come to see things, asked Zhang Xiaoqiang silent sky, God horse field survival when reviewing textbooks to tory burch factory outlet tory burch factory outlet no good to look at, but directly above to sign an agreement ? Zhang Xiaoqiang and meow ate a lettuce soup, on the road again, this time meow walk, kettle back in her nike free body, Zhang Xiaoqiang thirty-five who is carrying a bamboo tube filled with water.

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