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So Y people decided that this incident is temporarily remain neutral. This is the revenge of the M people. In fact,,Michael Kors purses, Y people have their own little 99 Michael Kors outlet think, ah, things very simple, Y country sorely lacking now is money, H people at war with the Chinese people took place, the result is the Chinese people won without firing a shot, but the people expressed in H China is willing to join after their own interests, China immediately expressed his country's willingness to help the economy H, one hundred sunglasses outlet billion U.S. dollars, can solve many problems ah.

H Y people also imagine the same people to China to get some money, so Michael Kors bags do not want to offend China, let alone one hundred billion, even if only two or three 10 billion people can be supported while the Y, not to mention China, if the relaxation own domestic entrepreneurs to invest in country Y, then maybe all of a sudden be able to pull up the country's economic Y. This is the small 99 Y people. And people also know that M Y is how people think, and now China is the largest creditor country M if M country to victory in this war, Michael Kors purses probably would not pay back the money, but for country Y is What are the benefits of it, obviously no good at all, but also to bear the risk of being defeated on China, Y people are wiser this time, determined not to play by the M people's routines.

They communicate in a bit later, Sa short legs actually made ​​a risky proposal, one way or another Y degrees and Brazil, the four -nation coalition, will China went out. But there were a destabilizing factor, that is, Brazil, the country may not be willing to work with F and M State to take risks, after all, now China is not the China of the past, who would like this country against it. Obama cattle voiced their views, this thing Michael Kors handbags also need to consider. After the two exchanged views, have handed down in accordance with the two discuss the matter.

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