Wednesday 9 July 2014

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As living spiritual disciple Court, itself the obligation to maintain the spirit of Habitat Court rules. If Fang Yuhua can rely on its own momentum, the two men standing repression Maughan, let Maughan willing to let the Dong Fu, Li Po naturally do not interfere with the temerity to offend Fang Yuhua. But Maughan explicitly rejected, and after the raid Dangxia Fang Yuhua, certainly can not let Fang Yuhua Li Po presumptuous. Otherwise, after things become big, Li Po Ling fifa 14 coins Habitat Court as deacons, to be held accountable. Boy, have the ability to just cheap nike air max 90 arena !

Although Fang Yuhua very arrogant,nike free, but also not really ignore the spirit of Habitat Court rules. This is not included in the six main hall, but there Yuan Ying Chun Kwan sits sector is not a good provoke. After being a clear warning, Fang Yuhua only target ofthis just Jia Rumo Yanshan little monk. Sorry, not interested. Maughan shook his head, faint. Cheng Geng has been introduced, and the arena before a similar nature Yanwu Huang City, MO is the place to resolve personal matters of Yanshan disciples. Just enter Mo Yanshan Maughan did not want to put myself directly to the cusp, is not prepared in accordance with Fang Yuhua arrangements to go, so do not hesitate to reject the invitation fighting each other.

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