Saturday 14 February 2015

ugg官網 IRMrm W6bQ o1uT

As already mentioned,michael kors australia, Yunyang House is located in Hubei,michael kors handbags, Henan, Sichuan, Shaanxi border areas of four provinces jiao, collusion between the Qinling Bashan two mountain ranges, the territory of the mountain very much very wide, very narrow little arable plains. But is this very narrow plain little arable land, but it has a very strange distribution characteristics, that is, except in the Hanjiang River and many other areas, there are so considerable part of the plain is divided into a nature xiao xiao block a block the wild embedded in many mountains in the middle.

These are natural human wild settlements,michael kors outlet, although the area xiao, can not stand the town built the city, but still tie Village by village, not a problem. Some places even after a long period of Evolution, several villages have been synthetic rope for a large village clusters, large number of people in the village a couple of thousand or even three thousand common. As a native of Yunyang settlements, but also because geographical reasons, mostly in the mountains surrounded among jiao pass blocking, so fruitful down the centuries, most of these local forces are not official, but local clan groups.

It 's also down fills good heart, but if evil heart, then to the clan or tribe old place for large, organized Ding Zhuang, militia, to help suppress the official wanton exploitation of displaced persons, many of the refugees are more than fish, but also for their rou driven by excessive, the so-called landlord bullies, Yunyang underground habitat very much. Liang Gang do not deny that this is because the special historical reasons, perhaps in the eyes of local original owner, the influx of displaced persons is likely to follow michael kors bags grab food to eat, with colored glasses Man, which is the raw conflicts and disputes in the inevitable.

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